...where success follows happiness
...gyda llawenydd, llwyddiant ddaw
Ysgol Gynradd a Meithrin
Primary School and Nursery Unit

Welcome to Thornwell Primary School
Thornwell School is a great place to learn. Our building has a new Foundation Phase department with plaza style classrooms. The school has a 100 meg broadband connection that enables our 'state of the art' IT equipment to enhance children's learning opportunities.
We have beautiful school grounds with lots of trees, a vegetable patch, outdoor learning lodge, poly tunnel and a wildlife area with a pond full of amazing creatures.
Our dedicated staff provide a wide range of extra curricular clubs during lunch times and after school. Wrap-around care is provided with a free breakfast club.

Our Vision
Our Vision is for Thornwell to be a safe place where success follows happiness. A place that children love attending because learning is challenging, modern and fun. The school will welcome and nurture everyone, with equity and without prejudice. At Thornwell children will learn about their place within Wales and the world, and the importance of their role in looking after it.

Thornwell Primary School and Nursery
Thornwell Road
NP16 5NT